Thank you for sharing this story. Loudoun Times-Mirror, your “Mirror” is the source from which we learned about the “Painted Wine Barrels Around Purcellville.”
To the staff of the “Loudoun Times Mirror,” you are responsible for more than newspapers. Your mirror reflects the light of our community. The words and pictures on your pages reflect off your “Mirror” at an angle of reflection equal to or greater to the energy put into it by your writers, editors, photographers and readers. You are more than a plane mirror, you help us magnify, admire, see, transparency, fabrication, refract, perspective. You are accountable for helping us see ourselves and others.
To the staff of the “Loudoun Times Mirror,” you are responsible for more than newspapers. Your mirror reflects the light of our community. The words and pictures on your pages reflect off your “Mirror” at an angle of reflection equal to or greater to the energy put into it by your writers, editors, photographers and readers. You are more than a plane mirror, you help us magnify, admire, see, transparency, fabrication, refract, perspective. You are accountable for helping us see ourselves and others.