There is something to be learned about a people who lived here before, that can help us now. Studying what they left behind, can shed light on a culture and way of life that is now extinct. What is there to learn from this sacred site? If this unique site goes unprotected or gets destroyed, we will never know the importance of its meaning. Any view into the past, is a learning and educational tool for the future. Therefore, the rarity of this site deserves serious attention. Doors need to be opened, and questions need to be explored. Keys to the site’s secrets are yet to be revealed. We are seeking people knowledgeable in pre-history preservation and restoration. We also welcome those who wish to honor and respect our vision.
Opportunity has risen to preserve this sacred site, now and for our children and future generations. We appreciate your goodwill towards uncovering the possibilities of this find. |
Site Type/Period
Paleo-Indian era. Paleo-calendar / ceremony complex. The oldest extant, above-ground, human-constructed structures in North America. Constructed by “Virginia’s First Engineers.” Still in existence after 10,000 years. Level of Significance This is a 2-mile complex with 15 above-ground features, and twice as old as Stonehenge. With the establishment of the church/sanctuary, this site is the oldest sacred ceremonial above ground site in continuous operation in the world. Historic Registration The Paleoindian site received an official site number (44CK151) from the Virginia’s Department of Historic Resources (DHR) adding it to the state’s inventory of archaeological sites in 2011. |
Paleo-Indian Site Type of Project & Key Contacts
"Know that the work we're doing now collectively may not be realized in our life time. It's a goal we're working towards, which will benefit people beyond any of our expectations or imaginations. As a peaceful people we can gather people to one sacred hoop and accomplish good,"
– Chris Comeswithclouds White.