Removing Barriers to Reduce the Suffering for Indigenous People Worldwide PART III of III By Chris (Comeswithclouds) White ONAC of VA and HOSLJ Commandry of Virginia 17. We can bring Indigenous People and everyone else back to the sacred hoop. Black Elk, a widely known Indigenous medicine man and Catholic elder, believed he had an obligation to help bring people back into the sacred hoop, that they might again walk the “Red Road” (a spiritual path to walk with God) in a sacred manner pleasing to the powers of the universe that are one power. There are many hoops that make one circle. And we believe one mighty flowering tree can shelter many people. And we believe that place is holy. 18. We can become a new tribe of people. There is a rising consciousness to being related. A new language is being spoken. Clear communications, cooperation and understanding is key to acceptance and bringing about this transformation. However, first we must understand the Number One in regard to being related. Are we just a drop in the ocean or are we a drop like many other drops that make the ocean? Before moving in the direction of heaven, a place that is up somewhere and in the future, which is not real, a place where God is not. God is in the “Eternal Now.” We have a new vision, a new message. When someone holds their index finger out and up like this, that no context need be set. That everyone understand that the number one means we are all related. And that we all labor to become one first, before we labor as self in the direction of going up to heaven by our self. We speak something new into existence for Indigenous People (the people of Mother Earth) now. “No one ever hated his own flesh.” If being one or all related, we would love one another because it is our self. Today is the day we create a new future for human-hood. We can teach that living a life powerfully and loving the life they live is not the same as survival or geared by self-interests. We empower Indigenous People to speak it into their own lives. 19. Loving creation. Jesus said, “the Kingdom of God is within” (me or within you). The idea that by loving your neighbor and loving creation as if it is yourself, then the Kingdom of God will arise within me or you. Heaven is a promise that arises from being related, being one. Not a destination to be hoped for. Join us in not looking at how we are different, but speaking a new message, a new language and creating a new possibility, which is an old message of how we are alike. We are all related. “Jesus and God are one, we are one in Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ we are one with God.” 20. Creating our future starts now. As a peaceful people, we can invite people into one sacred hoop. Time is short. “Time” is a limiting factor and “Time” limits our accomplishments in this life span. Things we see are temporary and are passing away. The things which we cannot see are eternal. And the “Red Road” is a spiritual place big enough for us all to walk. | In response to request by Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem Grand Chancellor Chevalier Massimo J Ellul GCLJ GCMLJ Grand Priory of Malta through the Oklevueha Native American Church Elder James (WFE) Mooney Grand Priory of Indigenous People Worldwide. 21. Know that the work we’re doing Now collectively, may not be realized in our life time. It’s a goal we’re working towards which will benefit people beyond any of our expectations or imaginations; absent envy and self-seeking. As a peaceful people we can invite people to one sacred hoop and accomplish good. We are creating those extraordinary possibilities which will impact the next seven generations, in this time we call, “Now.” Will time and future generations judge what we say and create as faithful and good? 22. May we “all” use “Time” wisely, by what we say and do right “Now.” We have a mission. We all do. We believe, our mission is given to us by Creator: to help others join that family, too. We believe God loves everyone and there is no one in the entire world He doesn’t want to be of One Family. One Tribe. One People.” To be one with God – the consciousness of One. 23. Perhaps, the greatest moments of Indigenous Peoples’ history lie ahead of us. The teachings of Jesus Christ are revealed through the Native Way. A great spiritual renewal and awakening is coming. We are onboard. Let us be evident, let us become manifest, let us appear together – as ONE. © Chris (Comeswithclouds) White and ONAC of VA a 2010-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Chris (Comeswithclouds) White and ONAC of VA a with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. |
Native American Church of Virginia Comments to His Holiness Pope Francis - Part III of III5/18/2015
Native American Church of VA Agrees with National Prayer Breakfast Three Guiding Principles2/6/2015
Let us not look at how we are different but how we are alike. This image of diversity is from one 20-acre Sanctuary on the Trail; imagine what a square mile holds. Amazing how Mother Earth is one property filled with diversity yet we are all related. One Place. One Property. One People. The Native American Church of Virginia is a 501(c)3 non-profit
Fairfax Virginia -- Native American Church of Virginia (NAC of VA) CEO Chris (Comeswithclouds) White received an invitation to speak to 40 George Mason University religious studies students last month (October) by Professor John Turner. | The Spirit Speaks Forum Included:
Spirit Speaks Forum
If you would like our CEO Chris (Comeswithclouds) White to speak to your youth group, school, conference or event on the topic of spirituality EMAIL HERE with your event details, location, or any additional information and questions.
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