We recently met Professor Giovanna Chesler and are impressed with her passion to be present, be real and help others. Professor Chesler is the Director of the Film and Video Studies Program, in the George Mason University Communication Department, and affiliated faculty in Women and Gender Studies and Film and Media Studies. | Her more recent work is the new documentary "Out in the Night," that examines an infamous night out and trial in New York that sent four black women, accused of being part of a lesbian gang, to prison. The "New Jersey Four" NJ4 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matt. 7:12 In Lakota, "Mitakuye Oyasin" means, to all my relations or we are all related. |
We are all connected in the intricate web of existence, and that each is affected by actions of any other. Everything is interrelated and nothing exists in isolation alone. If we are all related, why would we want to hurt in part of us? -- Native American Church of Virginia