By Mary Annette Pember 5/28/15 Indian Country Today Media Network - Trauma is big news these days. Mainstream media is full of stories about the dramatic improvements allowing science to see more clearly how trauma affects our bodies, minds and even our genes. Much of the coverage hails the scientific connection between trauma and illness as a breakthrough for modern medicine. The next breakthrough will be how trauma affects our offspring ... | "The science of epigenetics, literally “above the gene,” proposes that we pass along more than DNA in our genes; it suggests that our genes can carry memories of trauma experienced by our ancestors and can influence how we react to trauma and stress," Mary Annettte Pember Indian Country Today Media Network |
Boulder Crest Retreat is a rural sanctuary where military warriors, with combat-stress related injuries, can bring their families and enjoy non-clinical, recreational therapeutic activities aimed at assisting with their physical, mental, financial and spiritual recovery. Boulder Crest Retreat recognizes both visible and invisible injuries, such as PTS, TBI, and MST. They serve wounded military personnel with their caretakers and/or family, as well as gold star family members.
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